186 research outputs found

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Defect Prediction-based Test Suites at Localizing Faults

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    Debugging a software program constitutes a significant and laborious task for programmers, often consuming a substantial amount of time. The need to identify faulty lines of code further compounds this challenge, leading to decreased overall productivity. Consequently, the development of automated tools for fault detection becomes imperative to streamline the debugging process and enhance programmer productivity. In recent years, the field of automatic test generation has witnessed remarkable advancements, significantly improving the efficacy of automatic tests in detecting faults. The localization of faults can be further optimized through the utilization of such sophisticated tools. This dissertation aims to conduct an experimental study that assembles specialized automatic test generation tools designed to detect faults by estimating the likelihood of code being faulty. These tools will be compared against each other to discern their relative performance and effectiveness. Additionally, the study will comprehensively compare developer-generated tests with automatically generated tests to evaluate their respective aptitude for fault detection. Through this investigation, we seek to identify the most effective automated test generation tool while providing valuable insights into the relative merits of developer-generated and automatically generated tests for fault detection

    The Dyson-Schwinger equations and the non-perturbative solution of QED: exploring the two-photon-two-fermion irreducible vertex

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    A minimal truncated set of Dyson-Schwinger equations that allow exploring the non-perturbative regime of QED is derived for a general linear covariant gauge. This minimal set includes the propagators, the the photon-fermion, and the two-photon-two-fermion vertices. If the equations for the first three quantities are exact, to build a closed set of equations, the last one is truncated ignoring further higher-order Green functions. We also show that the truncated equation reproduces the lowest order perturbative result for the two-photon-two-fermion vertex in the limit of the small coupling constant. Then, the two-photon-two-fermion irreducible vertex is studied by combining the corresponding Ward-Takahashi identity with the Dyson-Schwinger equation. The longitudinal part of this irreducible vertex is computed from the Ward-Takahashi identity, which is solved in the low energy limit when one of the photons has zero energy (soft photon limit). For this kinematical configuration, the general expression for the vertex is derived and its form factors related to the photon-fermion vertex and fermion propagator

    Bases para una Epistemología de la Comunicación Humana

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    La motivación del presente trabajo se inició hace 38 años, cuando en la Oficina de Comunicaciones de la Zona Agraria V – Ica, teníamos la responsabilidad de apoyar la transferencia de tecnología en el agro. Encontramos entonces que no había herramientas teóricas apropiadas para enfrentar el problema. Hoy, pasadas más de tres décadas, consideramos que no se ha avanzado mucho en este campo. En un país como el Perú, con una geografía tan diversa, donde más del 70% de las propiedades agrícolas (pertenecientes a cerca de dos millones de personas distribuidas en todo el territorio) son menores a cinco hectáreas (según el III Censo Nacional Agropecuario, Año 2000), el reto de lograr cosechas uniformes, así como el combate contra las plagas y enfermedades, entre otros problemas, se convierte en un esfuerzo titánico si no se utiliza medios masivos, de amplísima cobertura. Este problema se agudiza debido a que la brecha tecnológica entre el mundo desarrollado y el que se encuentra en vías de desarrollo es cada día más amplia. Con la globalización, podemos apreciar cómo las grandes corporaciones relacionadas al agro se hallan avocadas a un proceso destinado a despojar a la pequeña propiedad, y lo hacen a través de la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en todo el tercer mundo, sin que ello signifique una transferencia real del saber; pues el “knowhow” empleado no queda a disposición de quienes lo ejecutan: los agricultores nacionales. Tampoco ocurre el tantas veces mencionado “chorreo” de los beneficios, y así, el poblador rural, generalmente en extrema pobreza, cada día ve sus posibilidades limitadas aún más; todo ello acompañado muchas veces por la falta de respeto por su cultura. En resumen, tenemos en ello una de las mayores dificultades para lograr la inclusión social.Tesi

    Estudio del tratamiento de aguas ácidas provenientes de los niveles (socavones) de una compañía minera

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    La fuerte e intensa actividad minera que se lleva a cabo en la parte sur del Perú durante los últimos años ha producido enormes problemas de contaminación ambiental. Siendo uno de los problemas más importantes ocasionados es la acidificación de las aguas, constituyendo el denominado drenaje ácido de minas (DAM), con la consecuente disolución de metales pesados que se encuentran al estado iónico. Mediante el presente estudio se desarrolla una propuesta para el tratamiento físico-químico mediante la neutralización-precipitación después de los diversos procesos industriales. En el proceso de HDS, el limo o la piedra caliza y los lodos reciclados se añaden al depósito de mezcla de limo-lodos al comienzo del proceso. Esto se convierte en el principal agente de neutralización, con lo cual se consigue una importante reducción del volumen de lodos que resulta de un aumento en la densidad del lodo. El proceso HDS, conlleva una modificación del proceso de neutralización convencional y consiste simplemente en recircular lodos para llevar a cabo una reactividad mayor de la cal y producir pequeños volúmenes de lodos con un contenido mayor de sólidos. Se ha cumplido con los objetivos de la investigación respecto a la generación de lodos, el cual se reduce en un 34,4% respecto a la generación actual; asimismo, se mejoró la calidad del agua tratada la cual se encuentra debajo de los Límites Máximos Permisibles establecidos en el D.S. 010-2010-MINAM; y el consumo de la cal (hidróxido de calcio) y floculante han disminuido respecto al actual, los cuales sustentan la evaluación económica de la mejora del sistema de tratamiento propuesta.Tesi

    Grupos psicoeducativos multifamiliares efeitos nas pessoas com esquizofrenia e suas famílias

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    A Esquizofrenia é uma doença mental grave, com séri as repercussões no funcionamento pessoal e interpessoal da pessoa doente e sua famíl ia. Actualmente, o tratamento e a reabilitação das pessoas com doença mental combinam a intervenção farmacológica e psicossocial. O presente estudo tem como objectivo testar a versã o portuguesa do modelo dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares e analisar os seus efeitos: a) nas recaídas das pe ssoas com Esquizofrenia e; b) nas dificuldades percepcion adas pelos respectivos familiares cuidadores. Adicionalmente, pretende-se avaliar as dificuldades e os factores facilitadores na implementação dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares na prática clínica. Este trabalho de investigação tem um desenho quasi- experimental, não inclui grupo controle e a sua amostra é pequena, contando com ap enas dez sujeitos empíricos, cinco familiares cuidadores e cinco familiares com doença mental. A amostra foi adquirida por amostragem probabilística sistemática. No presente estudo, após 9 meses de implementação d os Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares , não se verificou nenhuma recaída. Ao nível das di ficuldades percepcionadas pelos familiares cuidadores, verific ou-se que a escala Carer ́s Assessment Difficulties Índex - CADI teve uma evolu ção positiva nas dificuldades percepcionadas, embora não estatisticamente signifi cativa. As dificuldades de implementação dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares sentidas estavam relacionadas com aspectos práticos e funcio nais, tais como a motivação das famílias, cepticismo relativo a estas intervenções, disponibilidade dos familiares, distanciamento geográfico, existência de transporte s e o horário das reuniões. Os aspectos facilitadores para a implementação dos GPMF envolvem os recursos físicos e logísticos, intervenção de técnicos conhecidos, o momento de convívio e a promoção do ambiente de grupo. A disponibilização de recurso s logísticos, técnicos, humanos e financeiros é essencial para o sucesso desta interv enção.Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness, with seri ous repercussion in the personal and interpersonal functioning of the sick person and hi s family. Today, the treatment and rehabilitation of people with mental illness combin e the psychopharmacology and psychosocial intervention. This study has the goal of test a Portuguese versio n of the Psychoeducation Multiple- Family Groups and analyse the effects: a) in relaps e of people with Schizophrenia and; b) in the difficulties percept by his family caregi ver. Additionally, we pretend assess the difficulties and the facilitating factors of the Ps ychoeducation Multiple-Family Groups implementation. This investigation study has a quasi-experimental d esign, don ́t have a group control and his sample has small dimension, with just ten indiv iduals, five person with mental illness and five family caregivers. The sample was acquired by probabilistic, systematic sampling. In this study, after 9 months of the PMFG implement ation, any patient has relapsed. In the level of the difficulties percept by the family caregivers, Carer ́s Assessment Difficulties Index - CADI had a positive evolution in the difficulties, although not statistically significant. The difficulties of the implementation of the PMFG was related with practical and functional aspects like the scepticism related with this interventions, family availability, geographic proximity, transport and the schedule of the meeting. The facilitating factors of the Psychoeducation Mul tiple-Family Groups implementation involves physical and logistic resources, interven tion of known technical, promotion of group environment and the moment of conviviality. The provision of logistical resources, technical, h uman and financial resources is essential to the success of this intervention

    Grupos psicoeducativos multifamiliares efeitos nas pessoas com esquizofrenia e suas famílias

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    A Esquizofrenia é uma doença mental grave, com séri as repercussões no funcionamento pessoal e interpessoal da pessoa doente e sua famíl ia. Actualmente, o tratamento e a reabilitação das pessoas com doença mental combinam a intervenção farmacológica e psicossocial. O presente estudo tem como objectivo testar a versã o portuguesa do modelo dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares e analisar os seus efeitos: a) nas recaídas das pe ssoas com Esquizofrenia e; b) nas dificuldades percepcion adas pelos respectivos familiares cuidadores. Adicionalmente, pretende-se avaliar as dificuldades e os factores facilitadores na implementação dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares na prática clínica. Este trabalho de investigação tem um desenho quasi- experimental, não inclui grupo controle e a sua amostra é pequena, contando com ap enas dez sujeitos empíricos, cinco familiares cuidadores e cinco familiares com doença mental. A amostra foi adquirida por amostragem probabilística sistemática. No presente estudo, após 9 meses de implementação d os Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares , não se verificou nenhuma recaída. Ao nível das di ficuldades percepcionadas pelos familiares cuidadores, verific ou-se que a escala Carer ́s Assessment Difficulties Índex - CADI teve uma evolu ção positiva nas dificuldades percepcionadas, embora não estatisticamente signifi cativa. As dificuldades de implementação dos Grupos Psicoeducativos Multifamiliares sentidas estavam relacionadas com aspectos práticos e funcio nais, tais como a motivação das famílias, cepticismo relativo a estas intervenções, disponibilidade dos familiares, distanciamento geográfico, existência de transporte s e o horário das reuniões. Os aspectos facilitadores para a implementação dos GPMF envolvem os recursos físicos e logísticos, intervenção de técnicos conhecidos, o momento de convívio e a promoção do ambiente de grupo. A disponibilização de recurso s logísticos, técnicos, humanos e financeiros é essencial para o sucesso desta interv enção.Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness, with seri ous repercussion in the personal and interpersonal functioning of the sick person and hi s family. Today, the treatment and rehabilitation of people with mental illness combin e the psychopharmacology and psychosocial intervention. This study has the goal of test a Portuguese versio n of the Psychoeducation Multiple- Family Groups and analyse the effects: a) in relaps e of people with Schizophrenia and; b) in the difficulties percept by his family caregi ver. Additionally, we pretend assess the difficulties and the facilitating factors of the Ps ychoeducation Multiple-Family Groups implementation. This investigation study has a quasi-experimental d esign, don ́t have a group control and his sample has small dimension, with just ten indiv iduals, five person with mental illness and five family caregivers. The sample was acquired by probabilistic, systematic sampling. In this study, after 9 months of the PMFG implement ation, any patient has relapsed. In the level of the difficulties percept by the family caregivers, Carer ́s Assessment Difficulties Index - CADI had a positive evolution in the difficulties, although not statistically significant. The difficulties of the implementation of the PMFG was related with practical and functional aspects like the scepticism related with this interventions, family availability, geographic proximity, transport and the schedule of the meeting. The facilitating factors of the Psychoeducation Mul tiple-Family Groups implementation involves physical and logistic resources, interven tion of known technical, promotion of group environment and the moment of conviviality. The provision of logistical resources, technical, h uman and financial resources is essential to the success of this intervention


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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad evaluar la correlación que existe entre satisfacción laboral y bienestar subjetivo en trabajadores de una empresa de telefonía móvil de la ciudad de Arequipa; la muestra está conformada por 100 agentes de ventas, los cuales tienen distintas edades y tiempo de servicio. Se aplicaron los instrumentos de medición: Escala de Felicidad de Lima (Alarcón, 2009) y la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral SL-SPC (Palma, 2005). Se realizó un análisis de tipo Correlacional entre las variables de estudio, confirmándose la hipótesis la cual indica que existe una correlación positiva con un valor moderado dentro de los parámetros de Pearson entre bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción laboral. En cuanto a los factores de ambas variables, se encontró que la mayoría de trabajadores presenta un nivel promedio de Satisfacción Laboral y Bienestar Subjetiv

    Localization with multicomponent seismic array

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    International audienceSeismo-volcano source localization is essential to improve our understanding of volcano systems. The lack of clear seismic wave phases prohibits the use of classical location methods. Seismic antennas composed of one-component (1C) seismometers provide a good estimate of the back-azimuth of the wavefield. The depth estimation, on the other hand, is difficult or impossible to determine. In order to determine the source location parameters (back-azimuth and depth), we extend the 1C seismic antenna approach to 3Cs. This communication discusses a high resolution location method using a 3C array survey (3C-MUSIC algorithm) with data from two seismic antennas installed on an andesitic volcano in Peru (Ubinas volcano). After introducing the 3C MUSIC processing, we evaluate the robustness of the location method on a full wavefield 3D synthetic dataset generated using a digital elevation model of Ubinas volcano and an homogeneous velocity model. Results show that the back-azimuth determined using the 3C array has a smaller error than a 1C array. Only the 3C method allows the recovery of the source depths. Finally, we applied the 3C-MUSIC to two seismic events recorded in 2009. Therefore, extending 1C arrays to 3C arrays in volcano monitoring allows a more accurate determination of the source epicenter and now an estimate for the depth

    Reverse logistics in são Sebastião and Ilha Bela handmade breweries: advantages and challenges

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    This article describes the advantages and challenges faced by the handmade beer producers of São Sebastião and Ilhabela regarding the use of reverse logistics in their production processes. It begins with a review of the growing demand of handmade breweries and the need to refine their logistical processes. The following is a referenced description of reverse logistics and how it has become an important competitive differential in the reduction of waste disposal in the environment and its consequent reduction in costs. Analyzing what types and to what extent production control is performed and how the use of reverse logistics is faced, through bibliographic research and case studies. For this purpose, questionnaires were carried out with handmade beer producers and it was possible to conclude which advantages and challenges can be faced by producers in the reverse logistics between them, the advantages in the reduction of costs and the aggregation of socio-environmental value, and the disadvantages such as financial unfeasibility and difficulties in obtaining packaging

    Seismo-volcano source localization with triaxial broad-band seismic array

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    International audienceSeismo-volcano source localization is essential to improve our understanding of eruptive dynamics and of magmatic systems. The lack of clear seismic wave phases prohibits the use of classical location methods. Seismic antennas composed of one-component (1C) seismometers provide a good estimate of the backazimuth of the wavefield. The depth estimation, on the other hand, is difficult or impossible to determine. As in classical seismology, the use of three-component (3C) seismometers is now common in volcano studies. To determine the source location parameters (backazimuth and depth), we extend the 1C seismic antenna approach to 3Cs. This paper discusses a high-resolution location method using a 3C array survey (3CMUSIC algorithm) with data from two seismic antennas installed on an andesitic volcano in Peru (Ubinas volcano). One of the main scientific questions related to the eruptive process of Ubinas volcano is the relationship between the magmatic explosions and long-period (LP) swarms. After introducing the 3C array theory, we evaluate the robustness of the location method on a full wavefield 3-D synthetic data set generated using a digital elevation model of Ubinas volcano and an homogeneous velocity model. Results show that the backazimuth determined using the 3C array has a smaller error than a 1C array. Only the 3C method allows the recovery of the source depths. Finally, we applied the 3C approach to two seismic events recorded in 2009. Crossing the estimated backazimuth and incidence angles, we find sources located 1000 ± 660 m and 3000 ± 730 m below the bottom of the active crater for the explosion and the LP event, respectively. Therefore, extending 1C arrays to 3C arrays in volcano monitoring allows a more accurate determination of the source epicentre and now an estimate for the depth